Hello! I am Victor Chhobadze, ideological inspirer, founder, editor and chief but not the only author of the site. I like to travel, have visited many parts of my beautiful country.
He visited an active volcano in Iceland and the highest lake in Nepal. Once flew for 1 photo in Vietnam (and drove the whole country from north to south). 3 times flew to China only to eat a favorite dish (there were more than 15 times).
So you get this: you give me the crazy idea of a trip, and I’m not gonna say no.
But most of all I love the Georgian Mountains and our cuisine. I collect wine made by ancient Georgian technology.
Five years of professional photography.
Now I shoot exclusively on my phone, and I only put pictures on Instagram and here. By the way, subscribe to it – there is a lot of interesting and beautiful (link below)!
In addition to Georgia I visited 40 countries. Traveled almost all of Asia. Lived 5 years in Thailand. I prefer independent, active travel. I love the Mountains. I love hiking and trekking.
In addition to regular visits to Georgia, I travel at least 5-8 times a year to other countries.
I was born and raised in Batumi. And although I left Georgia after graduation, I came here every year in the summer. Since 2016 I moved back to Batumi and I had the idea to create a website. The fact is that almost all blogs and websites about Georgia at that time told about the country very superficially, there were many inaccuracies, myths, stereotypes and fairy tales. There was no information at all about many very interesting places.
It was logical to assume that the local resident knows his region better. Knows in which restaurant is tastier food and in which cafe is cheap. Which beach is better or how to get to a beautiful waterfall. Therefore, the main idea of the blog was: the stories of a local resident about his country. And to talk about as big places as possible, I decided to make the blog collective.
Since 2017, he began to conduct excursions. Since I love to travel, and one of my hobbies is the history of Georgia and Adjara in particular, I like this work. I like to surprise the guests of our country with amazing beauty places, stories about interesting facts and historical events. Being a guide allowed me to get to know Sakartvelo even more.
The Covid significantly changed my lifestyle. I focused on business, moved away from excursions (for me it was primarily a hobby, not a job). From 2022 he began to travel extensively in other countries.
About travel to other countries and Georgia can be found in my Instagram: @vic_tor_georgia
If you live in Georgia and are in love with this wonderful country as I am, love and can write beautifully, write us on georgiabest2016@yandex.ru. And maybe you’ll be one of our authors!